Medgre Billing

The Medgre billing system provides for electronic and paper insurance filing, patient statements and a variety of key accounts receivable practice management reports and A/R workflow tools. The database incorporates an easy-to- use report writer, and reporting data is exportable to text files or Microsoft tools such as Word or Excel. Medgre incorporates the core features clinicians expect from a medical information system:
- Queries: The query feature enables instant data retrieval. On any data entry screen, find the data field you need, press one key to access query mode and ask away.
- Patient Roster Report Patient Roster Report generator empowers nonprogrammers to design reports in minutes. Reports can be saved in the report library, used repeatedly, even modified and saved in a different format.
Billing Dashboard
The Medgre billing dashboard incorporates at-a- glance, drill-down capabilities for all items:
- The Practice Overview dashboard provides the management team and practice owner with a detailed glance at practice production.
- Billing office alerts for open activities, including open encounters, payments and EDI remittances; unsent and rejected claims, and unacknowledged claim runs; to name but a few activities among many.
- Individual user alerts function as tickle note reminders and address label queues.
- System Messages sent to Medgre clients include system enhancement messages and documentation alerts, code updates, and maintenance schedules.
- Practice messages might include start and end date availability, out-of- office alerts for a specific provider, new policy/protocol reminders and other options.
- Appointment scheduling with a look and feel much like Microsoft Outlook and capabilities that include day, work week, calendar week and month views, as well as multi-provider perspectives from any of these views.
Daily Posting & Accounts Receivable Follow-up
With Medgre, you can automate most or all of your clinic's financial end-of- workday procedures:
- Create close of day, insurance preparation, aging report and insurance aging reports.
- Fix and indicate multiple corrected insurance preparation errors on screen.
- Post multiple remits at once.
- Submit electronic secondary claims with COB information and tertiary electronic claims for insurance payers accepting EDI tertiary claims.
- Print COB information for secondary and tertiary insurance claims at the time a paper claim is printed.
- Maintain multiple posting periods at any given time.
- Access Claim Vision from the dashboard screen.
- Patient statements – the system knows each patient’s 28-day billing cycle; statements may be generated for EDI or printed each day for those patients having reached their day limit.
Medgre enables a host of patient information by incorporating numerous patient data fields, including email address, phone numbers (unlimited), patient balances, emergency and guardian contact, on-demand copayment and receipt, multiple billing accounts, historic and current patient statements, a drill-down ledger and the history of all encounters.
Management Reports
Medgre management reports allow users to create documents by clicking and dragging columns in any order and by choosing columns to include or exclude from other documents, e.g., aging reports, service reimbursement and production reports, etc. Reports can be modified on the fly without having to start over at a selection screen